There are many ways that digital filters can implement signal processing

There are many ways for digital filters to realize signal processing. We introduce the two most used in practice. One is our integrated circuit method that combines various components of an integrated circuit into a dedicated device.


Digital filters are the counterparts of analog filters

Digital filters are corresponding to analog filters. We use digital filters in commonly used discrete systems. Its main function is to use the characteristics of the discrete time system, where time is a variable, and then process the externally input signal.


A filter is a frequency selection device

A filter is a frequency-selective device that allows certain frequency components in a signal to pass while greatly attenuating other frequency components. Using this frequency selection function of the filter, interference noise can be filtered out or spectrum analysis can be performed.


A filter is a filter circuit composed of capacitors, inductors and resistors

A filter is a filter circuit composed of capacitors, inductors and resistors. The filter can effectively filter the frequency point of a specific frequency in the power line or the frequency other than the frequency point to obtain a power signal of a specific frequency, or eliminate the power signal of a specific frequency.


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